The other day,I saw an essay in happyshop named my idol.this essay was written by a junior student,and the essay made a deep impresstion on me.oh,we all love He Jiong.he is not only my idol,but my teacher and friend.he often delievers essays for us which are full of love and warmth.I have loved him for 2 years.Although it is very short,I believe I will always keep up.if you love,please love deeply.He often works to midnight.he is cautious.he is my spirit.I learn from him a lot. He hosts a program named happy camp I love it very much.he has been hosting15 years.he will keep up.ofcouse,I also will keep up.I love him.always love.
There is a world,9 planets,7 continents,204 countries, and 809 islands.but He Jiong is only one,my favourite.I can't leave him.I will always love him. Always Love.来自: Android客户端